Fire Prevention

A Firewise person pays attention to those details in his/her environment that might start or encourage the spread of a wildfire. Learn more about protecting your property at
Fire prevention is promoted throughout the year by Grant County Fire District #3 by conducting tours, visiting different preschools, teaching fire extinguisher classes upon request and various other activities.
National Fire Prevention Week is usually the first full week in October, and this week is solely set aside to educate the children of our community. We have a set schedule for this week to instruct children in pre-schools, kindergarten ñ 6th grades, Jr. High and High Schools on fire prevention. We also have a program for seniors over the age of 60.
Our curriculum covers the following for the age groups:
- Pre-school – Show students what a firefighter wears and looks like if they need to come to their house on a fire. The children get to put the helmet, gloves and turn out gear on so they will know what to expect in an emergency. They also get to climb inside the truck and look at the different components of it.
- Kindergarten – Match Safety (What do you do if you find matches or a lighter?) This focus is on giving the matches to an adult, and donít play with them.
- 1st Grade – Introduction of firefighters with a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus on (SCBA), to younger children who may be afraid of firefighters in full protective clothing. This helps to teach children not to hide from firefighters that may be looking for them in a burning building.
- 2nd Grade – Stop, Drop and Roll (This is an action that we want all children to learn in case they catch on fire).
- 3rd Grade – EDITH (Exit Drill In The Home) and smoke detectors. This focuses on getting out of the house in case of a fire. Each child will receive a blank diagram to draw the best escape route and designate a meeting place outside of the home to meet in an emergency.
- 4th and 5th Grade – Home inspections and review all previous fire prevention information. This is to help the children focus on the dangers in their homes.
- 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade – The fire district participates at Monument Elementary with city school, we teach students elementary firefighting duties that they can use to perform their duties as firefighters for their simulated city. We also attend the Junior High Schoolís career day and discuss the fire service and classes helpful towards becoming a firefighter.
- High School – Firefighters attend the job fair and talk about what the fire service is about and how to start a career as a firefighter. We also participate in the grim reaper program along with law enforcement agencies in driving habits and alcohol related vehicle accident prevention.
- Senior Citizens – Will give talks on fire prevention to senior citizen groups and has prevention videos and handouts available at the station.
Also at the end of the school year, Monument School has a water day when the students are allowed to have water activities with the instruction of their teachers. The district sets up a fire engine and participates by showering the water slide area and supplying water for water games.